Yesterday Connor made some cheese scones. Today he brought them to school. Here is a picture of Connor making them and another picture of some students with Connor and his scones.
Mrs Paver enjoyed her birthday with a scrumptious chocolate cake that she made and decorated herself, it was delicious and fluffy and it was made without eggs so that Connor could eat it. He helped by finding the recipe.
Today Isaac brought in some yummy croissants for Mrs Christie and the class to try, he showed us a video on how he made them and we got a little bit of it
Room 8 has a few people involved in Mathletics. They are working at home and at school. All of us have been enjoying it so far. In Mathletics there are challenges that test our knowledge on maths of all kinds and you can challenge different people from all over the world. At times it can be fun and at other times it can be a very big challenge which can bring your brain to another level of understanding in maths. But over all it's a very fun thing to do! By Ella :)