Friday, May 27, 2011

Thomas' Whale Cake

Today Thomas made an exquisite cake in the shape of a whale. It was a chocolate cake with blue icing, licorice and M&Ms on top. Everyone enjoyed it and it was a big success.

By Cam and Thomas

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tara's last day

Tara has been visiting us to watch how we use ICT in the classroom. She has observed us and interviewed us. We have really enjoyed having her. On her last day she gave us all chocolate treats as a thank you for helping her with her research.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cam's whale cake

Yesterday I made a cake for our homework. It was in the shape of a whale. It also had 3 penguins made out of icing on the side along with jaffas and buttons. It had blue icing on the top of the whale.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Renee's perfect penguin!

Yesterday I made a penguin cake. It took me an hour to bake the cake and another hour to do the icing. I chose a penguin because they are endangered and cute!

Ella's oil spilt ocean

"I made a chocolate cake of an ocean polluted by an oil spill. I have tried to show that drilling for oil can bring death and extinction to animals and Antarctica. I chose the mammoth as one of the animals just to prove how dangerous and deadly it can be.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Maddys Penguin Cake

Today I brought in my penguin cake for one of our unit tasks. I had fun making it but it took a long time to ice! I hope everyone enjoys it! Fingers crossed!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ben's Ice Floe

I found an eggless cake recipe (chocolate) so then Conner could have some.
It had 3 layers with icing all over it and icing for icebergs
I used moulding icing to make a whale, seal and 5 penguins.
by Ben.

Becky's Antarctica Cake

I baked a cake, making sure it was eggless(for Connor), so everyone could enjoy it. It was a semicircle cake in the shape of Antarctica. I used moulding icing to make a polarbear, two penguins and two seals. I used more icing to make waves and write 'Antarctica'!
By Becky

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Georgia's cake

Today Georgia brought in a really cute panda face chocolate cake
with white and black icing and it tasted awesome!

by Georgia and Aimee

Kainoa's Cake

kainoa made a chocolate cake shaped like a whale with blue icing, black licorice and butter cream
By Jay and Kainoa

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ethan's Penguin Cake

For one of our home learning tasks we had to make a cake out of something to do with Antarctica or whatever we want. Yesterday Ethan made a chocolate sponge cake with black and white icing on top and he cut it into a shape of a penguin. Cam R and Cam P

Brigitte's whale cake

I made a cake in the shape of a whale. We had to make a cake on Antarctica or something to do with the environment.
By Brigitte

Nevada's Chocolate Biscuit Fudge

I made chocolate biscuit fudge at home and brought them to school for the whole class to try. I did it for my homework learning task which was to make food that was from a French, Italian or Japanese culture and I chose French and It was very yummy.
By Nevada