Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Aimee's sustainability cake

I made a sustainability cake,it was based on the wind-mill and sustainability.
The cake was chocolate with blue and green icing. There was a lake on my cake.



Noah's torch

My torch was representing the Olympics and it is made of paper and tape.

The torch was very easy to make. It was fun to make. You get some pieces of paper and roll it up and get a piece of coloured paper and make it into a flame. Then stick it on the torch and there you go, a torch!

by Noah

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

This term we are working on sustainability. To help us learn more about sustainability, we cut  up an apple to see how much earth is left to grow food for the future.

3/4 of the earth is covered in water, that means that only 1/4 of earth is left to grow things. We found out that there is only 1/32 of the earth that is used to feed the earth's population. 3/32 of the earth is either: Too rocky, too sandy, too hot or soil that isn't able to produce any plants. By Brookelyn, Marilyn and Cameron

Olympic model

As part of our unit tasks, Melissa and I made an Olympic Model out of recyclable materials. We used driftwood, dried grass and smoothed glass from a beach, and recycled cardboard for the clothes. We made a person holding the Olympic torch going up a runway, with a rock at the end to stand the torch on.
By Becky

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Isaac's Olympics cake

Isaac's Olympics cake

I made a banana cake with chocolate.
I made the Olympic rings out of pancakes.
It took 50min in the oven.

Rachael's Chocolate Cake

In room 8 we have been learning about sustainability. One of our homework tasks was to bake a cake representing either the Olympics or sustainability. I chose sustainability.

I thought that a chocolate cake would be a nice flavour to do, since nearly EVERYONE likes chocolate, and I also love chocolate myself. Firstly I cut out an ice cream lid to make the earth and then made green icing as the land. Then I wrote a message on the cake: 'How long can it last?' Lastly I hopped onto the computer and found a recycling sign to stick onto the cake.
I had a lot of fun making the cake and I hope everyone enjoys it! :)

By Rachael and Melissa