Wednesday, March 14, 2012

An awesome syndicate trip!

FINALLY! A couple of days ago was the day for the Syndicate trip. I had been waiting for AGES!Smile  We went to Linden Station and rode the train to Mana.There was a beach there and that was where I spent the most time at. I found this stone thingy and Mrs Hannah said it was a piece of glass thaat had been in the salty sea water and turned smooth.
Then some people (not to be named) hunted crabs from their homes under rocks and put them in a concrete block which they call an ''AQUARIUM".Frown
Some people and I tried to put them back.Then 1 of the big crabs in the "AQUARIUM"died.Cry Brigette and I had a funeral for it and just as we finished, we found another dead one.We had a funeral for that one too.The first one was called CrabbyMac'crab'crab,The secound,CrabbyMac'crab'crab Junior. We found 2 more one that was GIGANTIC! we named it JUMBO.The other was called,Lumbo and someone's crab died. I think it was a new born one. We named it Tiny.It was a fun and sad day (for the crabs) .

After all that It was time to go home and that was really upsetting because I wanted to stay. It was a really exciting day and I hope our next syndicate trip will be right there again.

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