Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Toka tu Moana

In the afternoon we all went to see Toha tu moana. they are a Maori cultural theatre group who did dance,drama and haka. They based it on a story about maui but used modern music.
There were lots of challenges.
The first challenge was the poi, they had to get two girls to do the challenge on stage.
One girl was good at it and the other girl was better but they both had a go.

The second challenge was the taiaha. They had to get two boys, they were both good at it and everybody laughed with them.

The third challenge was the finger thing. There were two people that did it one person won, that was Tohu and the other one was Selena they did their best but Tohu won at the end of the challenge.

by Xena and Marius

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